WS12_BW_INTT: Entering International Markets

International Business (IB): International Markets & Trade

Case Study with Dr. Andrew Zeller and Dr. Irena Baumgartner

29.11.2012 10:00 a.m., Würzburg, Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20, HS  I 2.11

In this case study in retail banking business you will learn about the analytic framework for decisions to select and enter a specific national market.

Our guests are experts in rolling out international business:

Andrew J. Zeller is Director of the Strategy Division with TeamBank/easyCredit, the installment loan specialist of the German cooperative financial services network. He studied Economics and received his doctorate in Business Administration with a special in information systems.
At TeamBank, Andrew is in charge of the development of corporate strategy, acquisition and cooperation activities, corporate investments, and innovation management.
Andrew started his career with an American investment firm as Financial Advisor. Later he worked as Senior Consultant for an international consulting company and as Financial Manager with a network of universities before joining easyCredit in 2005. In addition to his position with TeamBank, Andrew is a member of the international committee of DZ BANK Group, and the IHS EFMA European Think Tank on consumer finance and mortgage loans.

Andrew brings his Assistant Director Irena Baumgartner.

Find more about his company here