Expanding partnership with India
International School of Management Excellence (ISME) as partner of the new business school orientation
Following the establishment of a research partnership under the leadership of Würzburg business ethicist Prof. Dr. Bolsinger with partners from the International School of Management Excellence (ISME) in India, from the University of Nigeria, the Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa (Nigeria), from the University of Hohenheim and from the THWS Business School in Würzburg (Germany), Prof. Dr. Rainer Wehner and Prof. Dr. Harald Bolsinger used the 12th International Conference of the ISME in Bangalore to negotiate further cooperation options with the founding director of the ISME. The pleasing result is a contract for the regular exchange of students between the German state university of applied sciences THWS and the Indian private university ISME. Students from both universities can now complete part of their studies at the respective partner institution and immerse themselves in the respective culture without paying additional tuition fees. The President of the THWS, Prof. Dr. Robert Grebner, also sealed the partnership agreement in Würzburg at end of February.
The International School of Management Excellence in Bangalore is a renowned, top-ranked private institute and was recently recognized in India for its innovative teaching practices in transformational student development. The values of the internationally oriented university, which is both practice-oriented and strong in research, such as integrity, team spirit and management excellence, correspond perfectly with the guiding values of THWS Business School.
Jörg Meyer (University of Hohenheim), together with Prof. Sindhu Shantha Nair, PhD (ISME, India), Bello Muhammad Abdullahi (Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa (Nigeria), Prof. Dr. Harald J. Bolsinger (THWS) and Prof. Dr. Rainer Wehner (THWS), presented the interim results of a research program in the field of Spiritual Intelligence at the conference. Prof. Dr. Harald Bolsinger inspired researchers and students at the conference as Chief Guest with a Key Note on Sustainable Entrepreneurship. “The highly spiritual environment in India with all its temples is an ideal field of research for identifying mechanisms of spiritual capital,” says Würzburg business ethicist Harald Bolsinger, explaining why the conference in Bangalore was chosen to discuss the interim results of the research partnership. The Head of the International Management Bachelor Course at the Business School, Prof. Dr. Rainer Wehner, was impressed by ISME and commented: “ISME is a small but very agile university in Bangalore. For our business school and our students, it is an asset and a chance to get to know India and its diverse cultures”.